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Talent Development | 2024 KEDA Industrial Group Executive Talent Training Camp Officially Commences!

loading... 30 May 2024
On May 25th, the KEDA Industrial Group Executive Talent  Training Camp was grandly inaugurated at the Gulou Campus of Nanjing University. Mr. Quansheng WANG, Vice Dean of the Business School and Dean of the Management School at Nanjing University, along with Mr. Peng ZHOU, Vice President of KEDA Industrial Group, and over 60 members of the management team from KEDA Industrial Group's headquarters and Anhui base subsidiaries, attended the opening ceremony.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Peng ZHOU, Vice President of KEDA Industrial Group emphasized that talent is KEDA's core competitive advantage and a top priority. He particularly highlighted the significance of this Executive Talent Training Camp. He expressed his expectations and requirements for the participants, hoping that through systematic training and practice, the training camp will cultivate more executive talents at KEDA Industrial Group's Anhui base who can meet future challenges. 
Vice President Mr. Peng ZHOU's Opening Speech                                 Dean Mr. Quansheng WANG's Opening Speech
Mr. Quansheng WANG, Vice Dean of the Business School and Dean of the Management School at Nanjing University, warmly welcomed the Executive Talent Training Camp participants and provided a detailed introduction to the history and current status of Nanjing University and its Business School. 
He stated that the Executive Talent Training Camp aims to comprehensively enhance the participants' management skills and overall qualities through meticulously designed diverse courses, stimulate innovative business thinking, and guide participants to deeply consider and explore future economic development trends.

The Executive Development Programs(EDP) Center of the Nanjing University Business School also prepared exquisite student handbooks and Nanjing University emblems for each participant, and a badge-awarding ceremony was held during the opening ceremony. In her speech, participant representative Mr. Qiongchen HOU expressed his expectations for the Executive Talent Training Camp and his vision for the future.

The opening ceremony of this Executive Talent Training Camp is not only the starting point of a learning journey but also a commitment and responsibility for the future. In the coming year, participants will acquire advanced management concepts and practical skills through systematic training, injecting new vitality into KEDA Industrial Group's high-quality development and promoting the continuous progress of new quality productive forces.

(Hai XUE )
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